Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The company

The company ... Moscow with the help of PP ... 1 ... The introduction of an information system has made as transparent as the main business processes in the department. Increased efficiency of registration of patients, reduced live stage, thus improving the profitability of institutions and increase the loyalty of visitors. Automated 30 jobs.

GOOSE ... Moscow - the capital of the leading medical institution in the field of obstetrics, gynecology and neonatology, which is about 7.5 thousand. birth, which is 6 % of all births in Moscow.

Maternity Hospital provides a full range of medical services in obstetrics and gynecology in outpatient and inpatient. At the moment, Rodd number 4 is the only institution in Moscow, where the department paid services allocated to a separate structural unit. It is the prototype of prenatal.

After a patient is a great link in the flow of patients, and to ... Dr.. ) Had to spend a lot of time. The division showed low profitability. A complex system of accounting and financial business transactions hampered the work of staff. In addition, a long and painstaking selection of relevant data complicates the creation of analytical reports for the chief physician.

In 2010 came to the fore the question of raising the level of control maternity hospitals and patient care, as well as to optimize the financial activities of the maternity hospital. In this regard, management agencies decided to create a single automated medical information system for the following tasks:.

  • Improving the quality of the provision of patient care;.

  • Improving profitability by:.

    • - Increase the number of patients by reducing the time of their service;.

    • - Reduce costs of repeated studies;.

    • - Increase productivity through integration with medical equipment;.

    • - Improving the quality of care;.

  • To ensure financial transparency:.

    • - Accounting for all services, supervision fees;.

    • - Timely access registers, accounts for payment of health insurance organizations;.

  • The formation of additional personal staff salaries at the actual services rendered;.

  • Personalized ( per patient ) records of supplies and medicines in the context of funding sources;.

  • Compliance with legislation:.

    • - 152 Federal Law ...

    • - The requirements of the Ministry of Health and Social Development.

Partner in the project was the company ... Sweets \u0026 Drinks Guide number 4 selected software ... 1 ... On the basis of a software product, a single hospital medical information system that is integrated with the subsystems of personnel records and electronic document on a platform of ... Currently the project is automated 30 jobs in the following areas:.

  • Ambulance, including the registry;.

  • Hospital, including emergency department, movement and discharge of patients;.

  • Clinical and diagnostic laboratory;.

  • Administrative and business activities;.

  • Pharmacy, registration of medicines and pharmaceutical products range, including consumables;.

  • Mutual health organizations with insurance.

As a result of automation, ...

  • Reduction of living due to scheduling queues receiving medical specialists and the introduction of self-records of patients.

  • Time-saving medical staff at registration documents, reports and analytical reports due to the content in a single IIA general patient data, the history of relations. Facilitated interaction between staff, the search for documents. Effective control and management of mutual payments to patients and insurance companies.

  • The control of accounts receivable and the exclusion of loss of data in the calculation of the insurance companies.

  • Streamlining costs and profitability povyshenenie institutions by providing comprehensive control of the organization.

  • Automated calculation of additional staff salaries paid for the provision of health services and reduce overall time spent on the formation of CP.

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