Thursday, March 29, 2012

Gigapikselnyh resolution together with the Gigapan!

news_15877_1_MDGigapan is a system which is based on the most common digital camera, but the panoramic shot, produced by them at 100 times the resolution of any of today's most advanced camera models. The picture obtained with this camera, measured in gigapixel - or thousands of megapixels, and navigation of such images is carried out only on certain sites, like this, as is done in Google Earth.

In the Gigapan robotic actuator is used, mounted on a tripod, the drive operates conventional digital camera, which, in turn, makes hundreds of individual photos - each with a well-defined vertical or horizontal angle - which are then ... For one picture can be made more than 350 images - this is what makes gigapikselnyh resolution photos.

And the pictures are very curious, such as photos of London South Bank (0,91 gigapixel ) or the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco (0.44 gigapixel ).

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