Thursday, March 22, 2012

KAZAPA: Competition for the 15000 and the last day of receipt of applications

Loudest of all declared themselves leaders. stamp of earnings. on the stock exchange, so for a long time, nobody could even wipe the position FireDancer, but time changes everything and now is fastened in the top real fight for first place, which can be judged by. hit -list. competition.

A couple of weeks, we, at the request of participants, slightly changed conditions expanding the number of seats to 100, as well as adding the prizes and the prize for today is:.

1st place. 15,000 rubles.
2nd place. 3000 rubles.
3rd place. 1000 rubles.
4th place. 1000 rubles.
5th place. 1000 rubles.

Recall that each participant receives 300 rubles to the account to work within the system, the optimizer. And another 300 rubles, which can lead immediately as it wishes, if he has a 3 referrals who have earned more than a ruble for his refovoda.

Thus, the winner will receive 15,600, plus the fact that it will bring referrals. November 28 - Last day for applications. And have only 15 seats. It is possible that this is your place!.

Subject to the Exchange Online. where. must. leave a message on the article in your blog and where have all the information about the contest.

Among the tender papers is quite interesting, but no one will be allocated so as not to give advantages to some of the contestants. Polyubopytstvuyte yourself at the link above. What is nice, honest and most of the articles without a snot about how sweet to work with the regular exchange. Maybe I even will hand your audience award the best paper, even though such items and attracted the largest number of active refs, which in itself is a reward for the author.

A little news on the stock exchange. Has recently been overcome by rail links located in 30000, 1500 and 4000 projects added by users. Increase in turnover in October was 45 % of the results of the September. In November, approximately 50% of the results already in October.

Now in a new link checker, which would allow the system to monitor the collection of links and information about the page- donor, which in turn will add more filters to the project. In addition,. preparing a big goodies for webmasters. - Increase the minimum price, depending on the complexity of the project: the greater the filter, the higher the minimum price in the project, and therefore higher earnings webmaster.

Well, I quietly gather in a circle in the seo results achieved with the help of kazapki. Encouraging, but not to feil, we must also podnakopit statistics on different examples. A sugary leave another tantrum. Kazapa - tool number two and this is her place, even in my arsenal. The first remains of glanders, but she gradually losing ground, being replaced in the complex world of glanders. Blogosetochka satosetochkoy grows, by the way, all the satellites were built by the method of corporate sites with fake directory - based. Satellite-X. All of the index.

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