Monday, April 30, 2012

Performance characteristics Ford Edge ( 2009)

Ford Edge - medium sized SUV crossover company Ford, front-wheel drive or full, the complete engine. 3. 5L. - 265 L. with.

more ».

Friday, April 27, 2012

Scientists have discovered on Saturn taken from rains

The spacecraft Cassini, who works at the moment around Saturn and its moons, found that water, located on the satellite Enceladus is gradually moving to Saturn.

Initially, the water in the atmosphere of Saturn was discovered several years ago and then the researchers could not explain its origin, according to cybersecurity. ru.
Now, with the support of Herschel Telescope found that the water spewing from geysers on the pole of Enceladus, flying beyond the thin atmosphere of Enceladus, and moving towards Saturn, forming a giant ring around the planet's water vapor.
Initially, the presence of water near Saturn and its atmosphere was proved in 1997, but there was no assumptions about how water could have formed there, or why should. In the optical range it was impossible to see, but thanks to Herschel's infrared sensors failed to consider the cloud water.
Now astronomers have found that Enceladus emits every second of about 250 liters of water in the form of high-pressure jets of faults on the South Pole. Much of the water moves out of Enceladus' gravity and starts to reach for the Saturn, forming a ring around the last.
At the same time, astronomers have calculated that only a small amount of water ejected from Enceladus Saturn reaches - about 3-5%. In addition, the researchers say that the last example of the ...

Source: focus. ua.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The future of work, or work as an entertainment

The development is close to the point at which each sector of the economy will be more and more like the entertainment industry. The process of shopping is pretty much turned into a game by itself does not mention the fact that a number of products for the entertainment sold at gas stations, or shall be released in libraries. Increases the element of fun at the consumer a sense of completeness and because the process is one of the deciding factors, for example, the choice of product names.

But if the process of consumption goods can be turned into entertainment, it is likely, and the transformation of the production process in a similar entertainment.

Here's how to describe the extreme version of such a transformation in the ' Marauder ' Al atom.

Carbon, iridium, americium, polonium, cobalt, neptunium. Russian produce these isotopes are valuable just on the knee, for the sake of economy, not in the least bothered by monstrous doses to personnel, making the same carbon, which programs in the global market was worth fifteen hundred, lying in their crudely riveted literally piles of boxes. in the South Ural Special Area boil work: come in large numbers in the security zone a number of private firms, which are quickly herded into the empty, filled with deadly radiation department of the Russian 're looking for a new host defense against a bloody mess, established in the town at the plant.
Immediately there was a problem handling, and work almost stood up to the moment, until one of the smart nerd Sin Microsystems came up with an amazingly effective piece: he has managed to combine reality and video game. It was a breakthrough, a real. Get into a Russian helmet, clear visor lowered, and loaded the game. To live in this wonderful world, you need only enter the sinister castles sorcerers and ogres, they steal different artifacts, scrape the walls of caves Magic Dragon mold - and carry prey to the market place, where for the useless damn you could get a great sword dwarf work . Voice From Heaven kindly prompted where to go and what to collect, unscrew the drain, when in a velvet purse of gold stopped ringing.

This is of course an extreme version of.

All the work is transformed into a game that you like. It can not not like it, because it is designed so developers and tested in focus groups.

Like is the future? .

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Chupacabra in Russia

Monsters are attacking people!.

Mysterious creatures - attacking animals - have long ceased to be an exotic Argentine.
In 2005, the Chupacabra in Russia and showed up last year in Ukraine.
Typically, these monsters are attacking animals, but recently there have been casualties among the first people!.
Evening of March 12 in the village area Pyatigorye Zdolbunov Rivne region of Ukraine ...
I began to run - says, Raisa. - Looked around and saw a beast with clawed paws. He was covered with hair, head long, bony. Moved leaps, and on its hind legs.
Chupacabra caught up with the woman clung to her back and knocked to the ground. Rice lost consciousness. The creature somehow did not kill woman. After half an hour the victim found the villagers.
- Immediately establish the nature of injuries was not possible - the victim was in a state of shock, - the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs told reporters Marina Nonka. - Now looking for employees engaged Chupacabra Zdolbunov police department. They are combing the countryside, where emerged a mysterious beast.
Locals say the least, were horrified. Before the case with Raisa Seredyuk Chupacabra for two weeks, killing rabbits. She managed to destroy more than fifty animals. But no one expected that it would take for the people.

In the neighboring village of Glinski creature knocked down 14 -year-old Victoria Biletsky. Although the Chupacabra did not let in the course of the claws, too, found the girl in shock.

The authorities of the Rivne region created two groups of police officers, officers of MES and hunters, but the raid was not successful. A third attack was soon followed by. Another victim of the monster was a 20- year-old from the village of Maxim Godonyuk Glinyantsy Vinnytsia region. In early May, he returned on a bicycle from a nearby village. Driving past the cemetery, Maxim felt ... The creature, jumping directly to the Maxima from the ground, snapped his neck! . Arriving home,.
Maxim a long time to recover from the experience and only the next day went to a doctor.

... Indeed, almost all the witnesses agree that the creature has an orange or red hair and what - is reminiscent of a kangaroo - moves in jumps, hind legs longer than front. Tail long, elongated snout, like a rat. At the height of five feet up, eyes red, glow in the dark. Fences for the Chupacabra is no obstacle: it is able to jump over the fence and above their own growth.
The home team after the monster attacks on livestock were convinced he had strength to spare, he can easily pressure the metal bars of rabbit cells, pulling out locks with bolts, break out and gnaws planks.

In the village of Rivne region Zorya noticed that the bars of the cage with the rabbits apart to the sides like strong hands. In Nicholas Epica Chupacabra destroyed a night of turkeys and chickens: not helped, even the heavy pipe with difficulty podtaschennaya to the door in a chicken coop. The creature threw it with ease, and broke down the board, entered the room. After her visit to the land of three-toed footprints were the size of a palm, struck experienced hunters who have never seen anything like it.
Snares and traps do not work: Chupacabra easily bypass all the obstacles, or even the most sophisticated device discharges. In the course of poisons and let the electric current, but the victims of human perfidy became only the stray dogs.

The main object of interest Chupacabra - rabbits. Their carcasses were found near the unopened cells. Sometimes they are arranged in neat rows, or spread over several piles. Rabbits are usually perekushena neck, exsanguinated carcasses. Residents believe that the Chupacabra sucks the blood of their victims.
However, there are no rules without exceptions. In Zor have killed rabbits were broken rib. The two animals Chupacabra gnawed a hole in his chest through which pulled out and ate the heart and lungs. All the blood remained in the carcass.

Guard dogs during raids Chupacabra make no sound, and in the morning they are found in the booth zabivshimisya. In the village Lemeshovka Kalinowski district of Vinnitsa region severed the creature more than twenty dogs. The victims in this case did not bark, silently greeting the terrible destruction. Some of the dogs killed a monster vygryzlo heart. Several dogs, sitting on circuit, had disappeared: the owners have found only collars, floating in pools of blood.

Several attacks were marked by Chupacabra on the other side of the border in Poland. On the night of 28 on June 29, 2009 in the village Kornelin killed eight goats. The creature broke the barrier of a metal grid and strangled animals. On their neck and sides have found a tiny hole through which is supposed to suck the blood of a monster. One of the goats has been completely chewed off the head, the second - his throat ripped out, but the ground was almost absent blood.

Geologist Taras Kisil advanced version of the Lviv, in Ukraine rude wolverine, which is cut off in these parts for over 200 years ago. He visited the areas affected by the monster, featuring an eye-witness pictures of various animals, and they chose a picture with the wolverine. This is the only predator that can move jumps, has tremendous power and an extraordinary mind, is able to bypass the trap and calculate well the situation.

Externally, wolverine resembles a bear or badger - it is a squat, clumsy, short legs, tail longer than the front, causing the back is curved and appears hunched. The head is large, elongated snout. The tail is rather short, very bushy, the ears are small. Thick legs with five-fingered feet wide and with large curved sharp claws. The length of Wolverine - up to 105 cm, height at the withers - 40-50 cm. When the outer slowness in her flexible body, and it has an instant reaction. Traces of Wolverine like a bear and does not resemble the three-toed marks Chupacabra.

Zoologist Poyasnik Oleg of Chernigov went to the place of another creature in the village of atrocities Shapovalovka Borznyanskogo area and was shocked: judging by the tracks, she jumped over the fence and moved the high jumps of 1.5-2 m. Wolverine is not able to. In the fresh snow, which fell through, even small dogs, mysterious footprints were only two inches deep!.
Last chupacabra appeared near the Russian city of Engels in the Volga region. Three-toed creature, to destroy rabbits, running, easily jumped over the accident turned out the girl on her way. A monster with a head like a rat, corresponds exactly to the descriptions of Ukrainian eyewitnesses. The policeman was chasing a chupacabra with the ax, but she managed to escape.

Today Chupacabra is clearly moving towards the central regions of Russia, and their attacks are becoming more brazen. If it goes on, is not far off time when people will not hunt for the creatures, but rather.

Permanent address.

News from Skypecine. com.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Everyone, hello

So ended my first trip to Luzhniki Stadium, where I watched live as we tried to take the ... I was absent in Murmansk little less than two days, but the feeling that he had been in the long journey. Mixed feelings, when the mind realize that there was no nothing at all, and experiences, and emotions will last for a week.

But everything about this in the coming days there will be special in my two reports. blog about travel, events, city and country. Subscribe. and you will see my first photos from the Germans on the Red Square and the Luzhniki Stadium, fans and perfomantsy experience of flying on a new (to me) airlines.

After all this back to the posts on this blog. There are new ideas, for example, from November to start planning a video podcast with entrepreneurs. I 'll be taking video interviews with interesting entrepreneurs who started a business from scratch, not having any huge financial resources that are not receiving the property for possible privatization schemes, they are used to quit work with stable earnings and began to work on own .

Already agreed with people who at first will help me with the equipment to record and will assist in the installation, as well as there are already two of my guest video blog.

Just continue to work on the format of my blog, I will try to make it clearer positioning and clear. Therefore, in the next few days will begin interviews on your perception of some blog entries ... The practice of marketing from a resident of the Far North. , ...

Some questions raised in the comments to past posts, will be writing the answers in the form of individual posts, t. to. asked questions deserve detailed answers (may be an interesting and useful for many ).

And before you go to Moscow, I heard that our Murmansk blogger. Joy. and. Irmina. discussing the idea of ​​creating a joint blog. I wonder what they will choose the format and what happens. Indeed, some women's blogs have recently developed a very good pace.

That is such a mene plans. The coming weeks will be interesting. See you soon!.

Sign up. blog for updates on your e-mail. or. RSS.


Guards: decided to use the Internet as a channel to attract customers in Odessa, then you need your own corporate web site or blog -. creation of sites in Odessa. and. development of the site of Odessa.
Your advertising and guards in this blog (. click here. ).

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


www. osp. ru/projects/advert/advert_21. html.
Until I see this:.

Not yet started - a short introduction. A week ago there was a 'MS Platform ', there also has been broadcast online, and I improvised (the idea came when a broadcast has already started ) started writing a post with photos from there (. http://cloudclub-ru. blogspot. com/2010/11/microsoft-2011-1. html. ).

The time is 9:40, but the picture is the same. According to the program they had to start at 9:20 am. By the way, last year they had a delay in the start of almost 1:00 - Registration not cope with the processing of visitors (as far as I know, they have a free event and in this case, this situation is regular: Room 500 is reserved (for example) people . And 50% comes. ).

At 9:45 started. A short introductory Slovan Robreta Farish (in a VMware global agreement on makretnigu because IDC supports event- partner).

Following a keynote address: Marek Svierad, regional manager of VMware for Eastern Europe.

First, there was no translation, but after 5 minutes later ( with MS have been better - was heard and the Russian and English version.

In obzschem - what familiar words. Well said, but many quickly once mehanichseki (MS - slowly, with expression, with special pause. ).

Comments received: I have the link http://www. osp. ru/projects/advert/advert_21. html gives only forum program, any hints on the video does not: (. It is only with Russia, you can look at?.

It is necessary to click on the name ' Plenary Session '.

Kommentrirovat do not have time, so in the form of abstracts.
a. For the first time sounded very cautious phrase about leadership - ' analysts say 2-3 years, provided leadership for VMware, and during that time, we. '.
2. An interesting example of Poland - they have the same problems in the banking and personal data.

At 10:12 he began to speak on the main Veeam.

A curious and very characteristic episode.
He decided to ' cheer up ' the audience and reminded the three basic rules of presentation. And then he said I to these rules will follow on.
The same thing always with PR: ask - 'Are you sure that you do not know how to hold a press event? ' . '.

Important, pravilinaya and obvious idea:.
The old tools for new media do not work well, we need new tools and solutions focused precisely on the virtual and cloud environments.

Agitated, his voice trembling a little, but says generally well. Excitement is credible:-).
A brilliant Freudian slip:.
Polrechi said that Veeam - the best friend of VMware, that VMware - it's the coolest.
But at some point said, ' we, as a partner Microsof'.
There really brightened room:-).

10:32 - started talking Anton Antić.
He said the launch of support in Russian ( office hours).
Mentioned the importance of the press - to bring the information to the public.

He began with memories of that up to VMware, he worked in MS.
It seems not, but he made ​​a very important point: VMware turns in MS, from a specialized player in the platform.
This is very important (I'm not just writing about it) - developing, VMware, buying something at the same time losing some of its advantages.

Understandably tells about a sequence of transition from the traditional system in the cloud.

- ' Business does not want the server, and services '.

... NET - not a word ).
Web-based applications - an unpredictable load ( in support of the clouds ).
He said a project of ' Horizon '.

10:53 - Anton graduated.
and I will continue to the next record (once again Farish, but about their business).
http://cloudclub-ru. blogspot. com/2010/11/vvf-2. html.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Rumor: Google to buy Bebo for $ 1.5 billion

In the network appeared rumors that Google may acquire social network Bebo for between $ 1 billion. to $ 1.5 billion.

This publication reports TechCrunch. Representatives from Bebo and Google does not give official comments on this.

According to analysts, the Internet giant may acquire Bebo as part of its new strategy to strengthen in response to a possible merger of the two main competitors - Microsoft and Yahoo.

Also on the Web rumors about what to buy Bebo social networking site MySpace is interested.

We - the second!

Once again I am convinced that the end of the school year - something heavy and physically ( acceptance of the textbooks, the purchase of new ones), and intellectually (the completion of competitions, games). Judge for yourself: Final Game. ' Ognevushkin Watch '. on the works of M. Prishvin for second-graders, the final network project. ... ( fourth- part ), the final game. ' Ognevushkin Watch '. tales of the X. to. Anderson for third graders. And that's just great projects! . And yet to take stock and school competitions!.

But all in order. We begin with. Ognevushki. How to call this game and the boys, and teachers. Long wait for the finals, of course, blurred effect: not all teams have reported internal round, kids have cooled down, forgotten tales. Technical problems - is the problem, and from them can not be avoided in our computerized age. But, we must pay tribute to the organizers, they did everything to make the game interesting, informative, ' drayvovy ', as they say teens. None of the participants in full-time tour of the Anderson probably will not be able to say that was not enough emotion to the game! . ' Young Readers '. , 2b class took. II place. and the team. ' Girls '. , The students of classes 3a and 3b, also took. II place. !.

One of the organizers told us the story of the game: it was invented for girls, which was supposed to go to school, but read the book did not want to. And then came the idea to offer this game to all students. Honestly, I do not know whether the reading was the same girl, but my readers are reading! .

Thanks again to the organizers of the Games. We look forward to new meetings in the new school year!.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Create and promote - with less

Create and promote a ' selling ' website can be cheaper - PHPShop, developer of online stores and Semonitor ( program to attract customers from search engines ) to announce an action ' Exchange 20% discounts '.

Every buyer licensed CMS PHPShop get 20 % discount on any version of the popular program to optimize the site - Semonitor. And vice versa.

The action, acting before September 1, is currently being actively advertised in the online store AllSoft. ru - in the catalog of which are both products. To receive the discount, the purchaser must specify the code received when purchasing any of the products.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Nice automatic slide content for your blog in 5 minutes

One of the articles we have mentioned. installation of the blog. simple automatic slider. content slider. I suggest to you today is different. stylish appearance. and a variety of transitions between images.

The uniqueness of the template - an important element for the successful promotion of your blog to the leading. positions in the search results.


Overview of Google Nexus S and Android 2.3 on

Friday, April 6, 2012

Virtualization and communal

But for business-critical applications, or applications, which sometimes can be the peak load ( the report server at the end of the quarter), virtualization does not look like such a good idea. Have you ever seen a blue screen or ...
Or all of the applications that deployatsya the data server, passed a comprehensive testing and guaranteed not to conflict with the start of virtual machine resources to eat or even get up that line? . 999999999?.

No, of course, I believe in the power series of z- meynfremov and infinite respect for the Jedi, who developed an application using this power, but that confidence in the incomprehensible set of applications that are swirling in the thin wall of a virtual ... It is one thing LAMP stack applications, which revolve dohlenkie websites that are particularly needed, and no one can back up and soak in a couple of days until the server will rise, and another thing the corporate financial base. As they say, this economy is too expensive.
PS Today's IT world, I think, is an exemplary implementation of the sociological ideas of Kuhn's paradigm shift and generations. Only a paradigm of ... O Tempora, damn, the Mores.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The truth of the Murmansk

Something I remembered how from time to time from colleagues, business partners from other cities... but still have memories from childhood about what a distorted view some people have about my home town. And how do they know the truth, if, as a rule, we hear about these or other cities, but in the news and only the most inquisitive minds climb to the web to expand their knowledge about a particular city.

I sat and thought and realized that a lot of us bloggers, and we live in different cities and countries, and no one will speak about his city better than we. So I decided to tell you about his native Murmansk, and simultaneously give a geographic those who read the baton and the cities that would like to know more. :-).

And so begin.

The truth about Murmansk.

Let me begin, however, not to Murmansk, a city with Cola, where I was born, and in fact. Cole at the moment is actually a suburb of Murmansk, but it is remarkable by two facts.

Cola - a very old city.

The name of this city, and the same river was named a peninsula, t. e. Kola Peninsula. :-).

There is a bike that to replenish the regional treasury, we only need to rename the ...

A bit boring statistics.

Murmansk was founded in 1916 and the beginning was called Romanov- on-Murman.

Murmansk is populated slightly more than 300 thousand people and the people all the time is reduced. People of retirement age and other heat-loving humans are moving slowly in the more southern regions, as there usually are serving military. The start was just the opposite, someone volunteered for the big earnings came to us on the north and settled here, someone brought forcibly (military ), probably why we have many people with roots from other regions of Russia, for example, Vologda and . By the way, that we really have in common in Peter is the large number of fans of FC ...

One of the first misconceptions about Murmansk, which I remember from my childhood is: in the presence of polar bears and a harsh climate.

I'll start with the bears. As far as I know, polar bears, and on the Kola Peninsula in Murmansk, the more there is, if present, it is only in the form of monuments. But Brown himself met (though only on the way to the Finnish border ).

The climate is certainly not have sugar, but such cold, as in Siberia, there is no. The most severe frost, which I remember - it's like minus 38 in 1998. Usually frosts of minus 15-20, but it does not bother.

The most lousy in Murmansk - a short summer. Back in early June you can see here and there on the hills of snow. All garden - digging work, the dissolution of leaves and other greens as well start at the end of May - June.

But the lousy - is that if you take the cold weather during the summer, then in the middle lane it will be 15-18 degrees, in the Murmansk 08.10. Here is a lousy summer. :-).

For that kind of weather and climatic conditions, we can officially summer vacation 52 days in a row.

But there in the summer and good times ( at least for me) - is the polar day. Petersburgers for this phenomenon have come up with their brand - White night, but we do not simply white night... they are the sun! . See. :-).

The beauty of a summer day around the clock, followed by winter depressive polar night, when we are in for a long time not seeing the sun at all, and m. to. then begins blizzard in February, the mood does not add a pogodka. But winter has its charms.

First - it is skiing, snowboarding and other extreme. The Kola Peninsula has sopchaty relief (such as Vladivostok or they like us), as well as the mountains. In this regard, only within the boundaries of Murmansk, we have three ski slope. KrasooOta. :-).

And after 200 miles. Kirovsk ( Apatity area ) are the real ski resort which attracts ekstrimalschiki from different cities of Russia.

The second attraction of the Murmansk winter - it's certainly the northern ( aurora borealis ). This you can not see almost anywhere!.

Murmansk is located along the Kola Bay, thus stretched out in his area.

Through the Kola Bay built the largest in the world above the Arctic Circle Drive.

In the city is the commercial and fishing port, so that from his window in the center of town I watch regularly, for example, icebreakers. (Photo of last summer ).

Once the Murmansk fishing was the capital of Russia. Even given a bribe Murmansk fish products. Now, IMHO there is no point t. to. Fish have mainly Norwegian... where our sailors and rent it for the currency. Only in recent years, the situation began to improve, but return to the status of this fish is far from the city.

Sea to Murmansk, as is commonly assumed by many, there is no. There Kola Bay, which displays in the Barents Sea. I'm in the Barents Sea had still not seen, but plan to go camping on the coast and to celebrate this sea, and even in the White Sea, but it is in Kandalaksha.

From Murmansk, only 200 kilometers are located with a small border with Finland and Norway ( Lott and Kirkenes ). Visa is not a specific problem, so many go there to relax or to buy stuff on mega sales.

Just the way through Finland, many consider the most relevant for transportation to St. Petersburg and other, more southern cities m. to. quality of the road Murmansk - St. Petersburg, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired (and I can tell you on his last trip to the. Festival ... ) To blame Kareltsy. It is their part of the route is the worst.

At present, all. You can still read my post about. features of the advertising market in Murmansk. , But the city itself, I will continue the next time.

Now pass the baton georgaficheskuyu:.

  • Eugene (. MarketingScout. ) From Perm. I have about this town do not know anything, and I hope he will tell you about the features of the city in his own. marketing blog.

  • Dimitri from Kaliningrad (aka MasterX). Not so long ago Kaliningrad was part of another state. Now it is the only city in Russia, geographically separated from the rest of the country. It lives as good a man as Eugene Grishkovec and other famous bloggers. :-) And in the end to Kaliningrad as well as in Russia's Murmansk fly aviadiskaunter SkyExpress, which means the possibility of inexpensive fractures from Murmansk to Kaliningrad.

  • and. Alex from Riga. I really liked Riga, and Alex was a great conversationalist. I look forward to when he will recommend, what else is worth a look in his city, except for the Old Town. And just as the transition from the Soviet Union took place in Europe and today's reality of this wonderful city.

Updates to the blog. e-mail. ,. RSS. or. twitter. All for your convenience!.