Tuesday, April 17, 2012

We - the second!

Once again I am convinced that the end of the school year - something heavy and physically ( acceptance of the textbooks, the purchase of new ones), and intellectually (the completion of competitions, games). Judge for yourself: Final Game. ' Ognevushkin Watch '. on the works of M. Prishvin for second-graders, the final network project. ... ( fourth- part ), the final game. ' Ognevushkin Watch '. tales of the X. to. Anderson for third graders. And that's just great projects! . And yet to take stock and school competitions!.

But all in order. We begin with. Ognevushki. How to call this game and the boys, and teachers. Long wait for the finals, of course, blurred effect: not all teams have reported internal round, kids have cooled down, forgotten tales. Technical problems - is the problem, and from them can not be avoided in our computerized age. But, we must pay tribute to the organizers, they did everything to make the game interesting, informative, ' drayvovy ', as they say teens. None of the participants in full-time tour of the Anderson probably will not be able to say that was not enough emotion to the game! . ' Young Readers '. , 2b class took. II place. and the team. ' Girls '. , The students of classes 3a and 3b, also took. II place. !.

One of the organizers told us the story of the game: it was invented for girls, which was supposed to go to school, but read the book did not want to. And then came the idea to offer this game to all students. Honestly, I do not know whether the reading was the same girl, but my readers are reading! .

Thanks again to the organizers of the Games. We look forward to new meetings in the new school year!.

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