Wednesday, April 18, 2012


www. osp. ru/projects/advert/advert_21. html.
Until I see this:.

Not yet started - a short introduction. A week ago there was a 'MS Platform ', there also has been broadcast online, and I improvised (the idea came when a broadcast has already started ) started writing a post with photos from there (. http://cloudclub-ru. blogspot. com/2010/11/microsoft-2011-1. html. ).

The time is 9:40, but the picture is the same. According to the program they had to start at 9:20 am. By the way, last year they had a delay in the start of almost 1:00 - Registration not cope with the processing of visitors (as far as I know, they have a free event and in this case, this situation is regular: Room 500 is reserved (for example) people . And 50% comes. ).

At 9:45 started. A short introductory Slovan Robreta Farish (in a VMware global agreement on makretnigu because IDC supports event- partner).

Following a keynote address: Marek Svierad, regional manager of VMware for Eastern Europe.

First, there was no translation, but after 5 minutes later ( with MS have been better - was heard and the Russian and English version.

In obzschem - what familiar words. Well said, but many quickly once mehanichseki (MS - slowly, with expression, with special pause. ).

Comments received: I have the link http://www. osp. ru/projects/advert/advert_21. html gives only forum program, any hints on the video does not: (. It is only with Russia, you can look at?.

It is necessary to click on the name ' Plenary Session '.

Kommentrirovat do not have time, so in the form of abstracts.
a. For the first time sounded very cautious phrase about leadership - ' analysts say 2-3 years, provided leadership for VMware, and during that time, we. '.
2. An interesting example of Poland - they have the same problems in the banking and personal data.

At 10:12 he began to speak on the main Veeam.

A curious and very characteristic episode.
He decided to ' cheer up ' the audience and reminded the three basic rules of presentation. And then he said I to these rules will follow on.
The same thing always with PR: ask - 'Are you sure that you do not know how to hold a press event? ' . '.

Important, pravilinaya and obvious idea:.
The old tools for new media do not work well, we need new tools and solutions focused precisely on the virtual and cloud environments.

Agitated, his voice trembling a little, but says generally well. Excitement is credible:-).
A brilliant Freudian slip:.
Polrechi said that Veeam - the best friend of VMware, that VMware - it's the coolest.
But at some point said, ' we, as a partner Microsof'.
There really brightened room:-).

10:32 - started talking Anton Antić.
He said the launch of support in Russian ( office hours).
Mentioned the importance of the press - to bring the information to the public.

He began with memories of that up to VMware, he worked in MS.
It seems not, but he made ​​a very important point: VMware turns in MS, from a specialized player in the platform.
This is very important (I'm not just writing about it) - developing, VMware, buying something at the same time losing some of its advantages.

Understandably tells about a sequence of transition from the traditional system in the cloud.

- ' Business does not want the server, and services '.

... NET - not a word ).
Web-based applications - an unpredictable load ( in support of the clouds ).
He said a project of ' Horizon '.

10:53 - Anton graduated.
and I will continue to the next record (once again Farish, but about their business).
http://cloudclub-ru. blogspot. com/2010/11/vvf-2. html.

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