Friday, April 6, 2012

Virtualization and communal

But for business-critical applications, or applications, which sometimes can be the peak load ( the report server at the end of the quarter), virtualization does not look like such a good idea. Have you ever seen a blue screen or ...
Or all of the applications that deployatsya the data server, passed a comprehensive testing and guaranteed not to conflict with the start of virtual machine resources to eat or even get up that line? . 999999999?.

No, of course, I believe in the power series of z- meynfremov and infinite respect for the Jedi, who developed an application using this power, but that confidence in the incomprehensible set of applications that are swirling in the thin wall of a virtual ... It is one thing LAMP stack applications, which revolve dohlenkie websites that are particularly needed, and no one can back up and soak in a couple of days until the server will rise, and another thing the corporate financial base. As they say, this economy is too expensive.
PS Today's IT world, I think, is an exemplary implementation of the sociological ideas of Kuhn's paradigm shift and generations. Only a paradigm of ... O Tempora, damn, the Mores.

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