Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Chupacabra in Russia

Monsters are attacking people!.

Mysterious creatures - attacking animals - have long ceased to be an exotic Argentine.
In 2005, the Chupacabra in Russia and showed up last year in Ukraine.
Typically, these monsters are attacking animals, but recently there have been casualties among the first people!.
Evening of March 12 in the village area Pyatigorye Zdolbunov Rivne region of Ukraine ...
I began to run - says, Raisa. - Looked around and saw a beast with clawed paws. He was covered with hair, head long, bony. Moved leaps, and on its hind legs.
Chupacabra caught up with the woman clung to her back and knocked to the ground. Rice lost consciousness. The creature somehow did not kill woman. After half an hour the victim found the villagers.
- Immediately establish the nature of injuries was not possible - the victim was in a state of shock, - the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs told reporters Marina Nonka. - Now looking for employees engaged Chupacabra Zdolbunov police department. They are combing the countryside, where emerged a mysterious beast.
Locals say the least, were horrified. Before the case with Raisa Seredyuk Chupacabra for two weeks, killing rabbits. She managed to destroy more than fifty animals. But no one expected that it would take for the people.

In the neighboring village of Glinski creature knocked down 14 -year-old Victoria Biletsky. Although the Chupacabra did not let in the course of the claws, too, found the girl in shock.

The authorities of the Rivne region created two groups of police officers, officers of MES and hunters, but the raid was not successful. A third attack was soon followed by. Another victim of the monster was a 20- year-old from the village of Maxim Godonyuk Glinyantsy Vinnytsia region. In early May, he returned on a bicycle from a nearby village. Driving past the cemetery, Maxim felt ... The creature, jumping directly to the Maxima from the ground, snapped his neck! . Arriving home,.
Maxim a long time to recover from the experience and only the next day went to a doctor.

... Indeed, almost all the witnesses agree that the creature has an orange or red hair and what - is reminiscent of a kangaroo - moves in jumps, hind legs longer than front. Tail long, elongated snout, like a rat. At the height of five feet up, eyes red, glow in the dark. Fences for the Chupacabra is no obstacle: it is able to jump over the fence and above their own growth.
The home team after the monster attacks on livestock were convinced he had strength to spare, he can easily pressure the metal bars of rabbit cells, pulling out locks with bolts, break out and gnaws planks.

In the village of Rivne region Zorya noticed that the bars of the cage with the rabbits apart to the sides like strong hands. In Nicholas Epica Chupacabra destroyed a night of turkeys and chickens: not helped, even the heavy pipe with difficulty podtaschennaya to the door in a chicken coop. The creature threw it with ease, and broke down the board, entered the room. After her visit to the land of three-toed footprints were the size of a palm, struck experienced hunters who have never seen anything like it.
Snares and traps do not work: Chupacabra easily bypass all the obstacles, or even the most sophisticated device discharges. In the course of poisons and let the electric current, but the victims of human perfidy became only the stray dogs.

The main object of interest Chupacabra - rabbits. Their carcasses were found near the unopened cells. Sometimes they are arranged in neat rows, or spread over several piles. Rabbits are usually perekushena neck, exsanguinated carcasses. Residents believe that the Chupacabra sucks the blood of their victims.
However, there are no rules without exceptions. In Zor have killed rabbits were broken rib. The two animals Chupacabra gnawed a hole in his chest through which pulled out and ate the heart and lungs. All the blood remained in the carcass.

Guard dogs during raids Chupacabra make no sound, and in the morning they are found in the booth zabivshimisya. In the village Lemeshovka Kalinowski district of Vinnitsa region severed the creature more than twenty dogs. The victims in this case did not bark, silently greeting the terrible destruction. Some of the dogs killed a monster vygryzlo heart. Several dogs, sitting on circuit, had disappeared: the owners have found only collars, floating in pools of blood.

Several attacks were marked by Chupacabra on the other side of the border in Poland. On the night of 28 on June 29, 2009 in the village Kornelin killed eight goats. The creature broke the barrier of a metal grid and strangled animals. On their neck and sides have found a tiny hole through which is supposed to suck the blood of a monster. One of the goats has been completely chewed off the head, the second - his throat ripped out, but the ground was almost absent blood.

Geologist Taras Kisil advanced version of the Lviv, in Ukraine rude wolverine, which is cut off in these parts for over 200 years ago. He visited the areas affected by the monster, featuring an eye-witness pictures of various animals, and they chose a picture with the wolverine. This is the only predator that can move jumps, has tremendous power and an extraordinary mind, is able to bypass the trap and calculate well the situation.

Externally, wolverine resembles a bear or badger - it is a squat, clumsy, short legs, tail longer than the front, causing the back is curved and appears hunched. The head is large, elongated snout. The tail is rather short, very bushy, the ears are small. Thick legs with five-fingered feet wide and with large curved sharp claws. The length of Wolverine - up to 105 cm, height at the withers - 40-50 cm. When the outer slowness in her flexible body, and it has an instant reaction. Traces of Wolverine like a bear and does not resemble the three-toed marks Chupacabra.

Zoologist Poyasnik Oleg of Chernigov went to the place of another creature in the village of atrocities Shapovalovka Borznyanskogo area and was shocked: judging by the tracks, she jumped over the fence and moved the high jumps of 1.5-2 m. Wolverine is not able to. In the fresh snow, which fell through, even small dogs, mysterious footprints were only two inches deep!.
Last chupacabra appeared near the Russian city of Engels in the Volga region. Three-toed creature, to destroy rabbits, running, easily jumped over the accident turned out the girl on her way. A monster with a head like a rat, corresponds exactly to the descriptions of Ukrainian eyewitnesses. The policeman was chasing a chupacabra with the ax, but she managed to escape.

Today Chupacabra is clearly moving towards the central regions of Russia, and their attacks are becoming more brazen. If it goes on, is not far off time when people will not hunt for the creatures, but rather.

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News from Skypecine. com.

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