Friday, April 27, 2012

Scientists have discovered on Saturn taken from rains

The spacecraft Cassini, who works at the moment around Saturn and its moons, found that water, located on the satellite Enceladus is gradually moving to Saturn.

Initially, the water in the atmosphere of Saturn was discovered several years ago and then the researchers could not explain its origin, according to cybersecurity. ru.
Now, with the support of Herschel Telescope found that the water spewing from geysers on the pole of Enceladus, flying beyond the thin atmosphere of Enceladus, and moving towards Saturn, forming a giant ring around the planet's water vapor.
Initially, the presence of water near Saturn and its atmosphere was proved in 1997, but there was no assumptions about how water could have formed there, or why should. In the optical range it was impossible to see, but thanks to Herschel's infrared sensors failed to consider the cloud water.
Now astronomers have found that Enceladus emits every second of about 250 liters of water in the form of high-pressure jets of faults on the South Pole. Much of the water moves out of Enceladus' gravity and starts to reach for the Saturn, forming a ring around the last.
At the same time, astronomers have calculated that only a small amount of water ejected from Enceladus Saturn reaches - about 3-5%. In addition, the researchers say that the last example of the ...

Source: focus. ua.

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