Monday, April 23, 2012

Everyone, hello

So ended my first trip to Luzhniki Stadium, where I watched live as we tried to take the ... I was absent in Murmansk little less than two days, but the feeling that he had been in the long journey. Mixed feelings, when the mind realize that there was no nothing at all, and experiences, and emotions will last for a week.

But everything about this in the coming days there will be special in my two reports. blog about travel, events, city and country. Subscribe. and you will see my first photos from the Germans on the Red Square and the Luzhniki Stadium, fans and perfomantsy experience of flying on a new (to me) airlines.

After all this back to the posts on this blog. There are new ideas, for example, from November to start planning a video podcast with entrepreneurs. I 'll be taking video interviews with interesting entrepreneurs who started a business from scratch, not having any huge financial resources that are not receiving the property for possible privatization schemes, they are used to quit work with stable earnings and began to work on own .

Already agreed with people who at first will help me with the equipment to record and will assist in the installation, as well as there are already two of my guest video blog.

Just continue to work on the format of my blog, I will try to make it clearer positioning and clear. Therefore, in the next few days will begin interviews on your perception of some blog entries ... The practice of marketing from a resident of the Far North. , ...

Some questions raised in the comments to past posts, will be writing the answers in the form of individual posts, t. to. asked questions deserve detailed answers (may be an interesting and useful for many ).

And before you go to Moscow, I heard that our Murmansk blogger. Joy. and. Irmina. discussing the idea of ​​creating a joint blog. I wonder what they will choose the format and what happens. Indeed, some women's blogs have recently developed a very good pace.

That is such a mene plans. The coming weeks will be interesting. See you soon!.

Sign up. blog for updates on your e-mail. or. RSS.


Guards: decided to use the Internet as a channel to attract customers in Odessa, then you need your own corporate web site or blog -. creation of sites in Odessa. and. development of the site of Odessa.
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