Thursday, April 26, 2012

The future of work, or work as an entertainment

The development is close to the point at which each sector of the economy will be more and more like the entertainment industry. The process of shopping is pretty much turned into a game by itself does not mention the fact that a number of products for the entertainment sold at gas stations, or shall be released in libraries. Increases the element of fun at the consumer a sense of completeness and because the process is one of the deciding factors, for example, the choice of product names.

But if the process of consumption goods can be turned into entertainment, it is likely, and the transformation of the production process in a similar entertainment.

Here's how to describe the extreme version of such a transformation in the ' Marauder ' Al atom.

Carbon, iridium, americium, polonium, cobalt, neptunium. Russian produce these isotopes are valuable just on the knee, for the sake of economy, not in the least bothered by monstrous doses to personnel, making the same carbon, which programs in the global market was worth fifteen hundred, lying in their crudely riveted literally piles of boxes. in the South Ural Special Area boil work: come in large numbers in the security zone a number of private firms, which are quickly herded into the empty, filled with deadly radiation department of the Russian 're looking for a new host defense against a bloody mess, established in the town at the plant.
Immediately there was a problem handling, and work almost stood up to the moment, until one of the smart nerd Sin Microsystems came up with an amazingly effective piece: he has managed to combine reality and video game. It was a breakthrough, a real. Get into a Russian helmet, clear visor lowered, and loaded the game. To live in this wonderful world, you need only enter the sinister castles sorcerers and ogres, they steal different artifacts, scrape the walls of caves Magic Dragon mold - and carry prey to the market place, where for the useless damn you could get a great sword dwarf work . Voice From Heaven kindly prompted where to go and what to collect, unscrew the drain, when in a velvet purse of gold stopped ringing.

This is of course an extreme version of.

All the work is transformed into a game that you like. It can not not like it, because it is designed so developers and tested in focus groups.

Like is the future? .

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